
We build your dream

    About Us


    Extreme vulnerability to climate change and climate variability is exacerbated by limited local understanding of climate dynamics and access to data. With this as an underlying problem, a cloud of uncertainty continues to loom over many climate sensitive localities in Cameroon further compromising the already fragile adaptive capacity and resilience of frontline communities. At Map&Rank, we enable system change in climate risks response through adequate, timely and reliable data starting from the bottom up. We inspire grassroots climate change understanding and build the response capacity of frontline community base organizations to make decisive, timely and well-informed decisions in their different sectors of interventions.


    Map&Rank’s prime mission is to deliver data and tools that addresses knowledge divide in climate change data interpretation and comprehension helping vulnerable communities to take up a participative approach in addressing pressing ecological and socioeconomic challenges affecting their livelihoods.


    To bring about radical change in local community climate change adaptation and response through provision of insightful climate change data to local stakeholders in Cameroon and to sustain a strong tempo for community education and alertness on climate change and its associated hazards through digitized and non-digitized products.


    • Technological inclusiveness: Map&Rank streamlines technologically derived or inspired climate knowledge and data into community centered tools to enhance local strategies that best address climate change and its impacts at community levels.
    • Shared data infrastructure: Multiple stakeholders generate, own, share and market locally sourced information and expertise with the potential for addressing sectorial climate resilience deficiencies.
    • Grassroots engagement: Our strategy is tailored for grassroots impacts by developing tools and data that aligns with local realities and driving insights in activities at the center of community wellbeing.
    Let Me Introduce

    Our Company

    We enable system change in climate risk response through grassroots engagement using inclusive technologies and communo-centric data approaches.

    Cameroon Premier Weather and climate information service company

    18%Current National coverage
    • Sikem Brice

      Director (Msc in applied Geoscience)

    • Cho Terence

      IT and Database Coordinator (PhD scholar/Geomatics researcher)

    • Fanka Audrey

      Field Work Coordinator (Msc environmental sciences)

    • Keleuh Ronald

      Full Stack Developer (BSc in computer sciences)

    • Kongnso Edith

      Marketing and partnerships (Remote sensing and GIS expert)